Giant Robot Presents: Game Night 7 - This SaturdayAnother event going on this Saturday hosted by GiantRobot. |
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In conjunction with the Attract Mode, Meat Bun apparel, and Angry Bananas, Giant Robot is proud to host Game Night 7, an event that takes place at GR2 about every two months. For this seventh installment, we are featuring two games by Polytron, Fez and superHYPERCUBE.
Both games appeared at Indiecade in Los Angeles and turned heads and as well as provided top notch entertainment. Fez is a well designed scrolling type of game. You’re a character moving around an atmosphere that’s artistic and cute and the entire environment actually shifts as you make turns. It’s an instant classic. superHYPERCUBE is a game requiring 3d glasses and runs of a Xbox 360 Kinect. It takes motion and depth perception and is an insane feat using the technology of today’s games. Both games provide very separate experiences and is guaranteed to amaze.
Nintendo 3DS StreetPass: Meetup Everywhere is a simple-to-use online platform that enables an organization’s fans or followers to coordinate local, real-life meetups based on shared interests. Nintendo 3DS users who are interested in sharing content with others via StreetPass are invited to visit to find events in their area or to plan their own StreetPass meetups. Users are also encouraged to use the “#streetpass” hashtag within social media to promote Nintendo 3DS StreetPass events throughout the year and attract even more participants.
Giant Robot was born as a Los Angeles-based publication about Asian, Asian-American, and new hybrid culture in 1994, but has evolved into a full-service pop culture provider with shops and galleries in Los Angeles.
Game Night 7 will take place on Saturday, December 3rd 2011, 7:00 – 10:00 p.m.
For more information about Game Night, GR2, or Giant Robot magazine, please contact:
Eric Nakamura
Giant Robot Owner/Publisher
(310) 479-7311
2062 Sawtelle Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025
About the Author |
Rafael is the founder and video editor of Currrently a graduate student at California State University, Los Angeles pursuing his master's degree in Computer Science. He loves reading and learning about video game history and development. His dream is to be a video game designer.
Rafael es el creador y editor de video de Es estudiante de posgrado en la universidad del estado de california, los ángeles trabajando hacia su maestría en la ciencia de computación. Le encanta leer y aprender acerca de la historia y desarrollo de videojuegos. Su sueno es ser diseñador de videojuegos. |