Photos from StreetPass Los Angeles 11 MeetupCheck out some of the pictures from the latest StreetPass Event! |
Check out the rest of the photos over on our Facebook Page and remember to follow us on Twitter.
If you want to connect with the StreetPass folk and hear about their upcoming events, check them out at their Facebook and Twitter
About the Author |
Rafael is the founder and video editor of Currrently a graduate student at California State University, Los Angeles pursuing his master's degree in Computer Science. He loves reading and learning about video game history and development. His dream is to be a video game designer.
Rafael es el creador y editor de video de Es estudiante de posgrado en la universidad del estado de california, los ángeles trabajando hacia su maestría en la ciencia de computación. Le encanta leer y aprender acerca de la historia y desarrollo de videojuegos. Su sueno es ser diseñador de videojuegos. |