Friday, August 3, 2012

Resident Evil 6 – Ada Wong News and Gameplay

Today we have some RE6 details and gameplay courtesy of Capcom.
A lot of people have been looking forward to Resident Evil 6 and were glad to hear about Ada Wong's inclusion earlier this week. Here we have a press release from Capcom with some details followed by a couple of trailers for you all to enjoy.
Ada Wong will be a playable character with her own individual campaign in Resident Evil 6. A single player experience, Ada’s campaign features unique missions and will provide her perspective on the bioterrorist outbreaks that threaten to wipe out the world’s population. Ada Wong’s campaign becomes available once players have completed the campaigns for Leon, Chris and Jake.

For those who want to experience the action as a zombie, J’avo or other C-virus mutation then the all new online mode Agent Hunt delivers. As a ‘hunter’ players will be able to infiltrate other players’ sessions with the aim of eliminating the human characters. As a hunter, players will have access to the unique movements and attacks of each of the enemies, including those of the various J’avo transformations.

So how does Agent Hunt Mode work?

--Complete the main campaigns for either Leon, Chris or Jake to then unlock the Agent Hunt stages for each of those respective campaigns
--When creating an RE6 gameplay session a player has the option to allow/not allow Agent Hunt
--When a hunter searches for a session to join they will see whether or not other players from around the world want to allow hunters into their game
--The hunter then picks another player’s session to join and jumps into that session. Please note only certain stages will be available for Agent Hunt sessions
--The agent side can be either a single human player with an AI partner, or two human players in co-op mode. Up to two separate hunters can join an Agent Hunt session. When a hunter dies they respawn in the same session as a different random enemy from that area.
--If the hunter eliminates the agent then they will be taken to a ‘hunt successful’ results screen where they can join another session if they wish.
--If the agent is eliminated then their game session will end exactly as if they had been playing a standard game session with CPU enemies.
--If the hunter quits the session then the agent’s game continues as normal with all AI enemies.

About the Author Rafael is the founder and video editor of Currrently a graduate student at California State University, Los Angeles pursuing his master's degree in Computer Science. He loves reading and learning about video game history and development. His dream is to be a video game designer.
Rafael es el creador y editor de video de Es estudiante de posgrado en la universidad del estado de california, los ángeles trabajando hacia su maestría en la ciencia de computación. Le encanta leer y aprender acerca de la historia y desarrollo de videojuegos. Su sueno es ser diseñador de videojuegos.